Lanyon Homstead Art Prize finalist

Swept Under 2023

Ceramic and found objects

This multi-part three dimensional work sheds light on the ongoing domestic labour of women ‘keeping house’ at Lanyon Homestead through the representation of the historic objects/artefacts. They are placed on a carpet, considered a luxury in the 1850s, and traditionally produced by women and one of the most difficult elements of a preventative conservation approach of an historic collection to clean safely. The dustpan and broom refer to the histories, events and perspectives that are ‘swept under the carpet’ and not recorded, acknowledged or shared. The bucket is part of the project to re-gather, reveal and reconsider these diverse histories.

The carving that embellishes the iron rich ceramic objects is a time intensive surface decoration technique and the design is based on Eucalyptus leaves gathered from the Lanyon property in 2023, to provide another layer of meaning about place and the histories.

There is always work to be done!


Grounded 2023-24 collaborative art group


National Capital Art Prize 2023